Genomic technologies are unlocking new reservoirs of hitherto unavailable biological raw data. Sequence data of proteins are of particular interest to the biomimetic engineering of performance materials. Technological capabilities have matured to such an extent that target proteins from any donor organism may be rapidly investigated in a cost-efficient, reproducible, and scalable research flow.
Building upon the technological foundation of DNA sequencing we describe how genomic information, decoded RNA molecules, and structural analysis of proteins interface to give a comprehensive view of structure-function relationships that govern material properties. Aided by computational and experimental techniques, genomic technologies provide a highly interdisciplinary toolkit that allows new biomaterials to be prototyped from biosynthesis to mechanical characterization in a matter of weeks. Thinking in terms of a unified solution space for biological and man-made materials liberates researchers, artists, and designers from an obsolete conceptual dichotomy between nature and technology.
We conclude by giving an outlook on how the exploration of biological sequence space enables the reverse-engineering of hierarchically structured biomaterials with customizable properties suitable for many real-world applications.
Claudio Flores (M. Sc. Molecular Biosciences from the University of Heidelberg) is cofounder and CEO of Mimotype Technologies GmbH based in Berlin. Founded in 2021, the company designs and fabricates bio-inspired light-emitting materials using nanotechnology.
Danilo Flores is cofounder and CEO of Mimotype Technologies GmbH based in Berlin. Besides managing daily operations, he devises the product strategy to reinvent light using nanophotonic material systems inspired by nature. His passion is to create a light source from raw materials without causing harm.
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Flores, Claudio, and Danilo Flores. “Spinning Off Biomaterials from Nature’s Open-Source Code.” Arts Imagining Communities to Come, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 8-11 November 2021. Cumulus Association, 2023. Accessed [month, day, year].